It’s All Happening in New York, May 2019


So 5 days in New York and we managed to do pretty much  everything we’d set out to. We did our fair share of sightseeing and even sampled some of the nightlife. Ok, so there were parts of it that weren’t as good as we’d thought they’d be but that’s all part of exploring new places and trying new things, it can’t all be perfect.

Overall I think we all really enjoyed it, I know I did despite getting a cold to take home with me. New York is an amazing place that has something for everyone and I think it’s a place that everyone should visit at least once in their life. This was my 2nd time visiting New York and I hope it’s not my last.


So there you go, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

One thought on “It’s All Happening in New York, May 2019

  1. I loved your blog, you did so much in such a short time.. you rock! I have been to new York once and would go back again in a heartbeat.


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